Friday, August 26, 2011

Year Two.

It's been ages since I've posted. I could attribute it to having a crazy fun life with me partying every weekend and waking up on the side of the street. I wish. I haven't been in a very "blogging" mood. Heck, i crossed 2 years of living in the US and didn't even post what I thought would be a yearly mandatory "This-Is-What-Happened-This Year" post. There's been a lot of change though. A period of transition. A time to reflect and take decisions for the better.

Year 2 in the US went along pretty well. It was definitely a better year than the first. I knew what I was doing. I knew why I was here. I'm still unable to fathom the fact that it's been two years and I have finished my masters. The fact that I still haven't graduated is just a mere technicality.

Year 2 made me a more determined person. Knowing that something had to be achieved for both personal and professional reasons. And that it would have had a profound effect on, not just me, but others too. Guidance from everyone was really helpful. November/ December were stressed out. Project Work going nowhere; Finals (well, just final in the end) to study for. Plans for the annual Pitt trip. In the end it all worked out. Maybe the grade that mattered wasn't what I expected, but it was enough to see things out. Pitt was wonderful as usual. Got in some major beer pong battles. I still have sweet dreams about Meera Pedhi's Lamb in Almond Sauce. Back to the big, bad city. In all the snow.

The city's worst snowstorm in ages. An unbelievable weekend with unbelievable friends. The best new year's eve party I have ever been too. Kati rolls at 2:30 am are never a good idea.

2011 started out amazingly for me. I looked to it like there was no turning back. It was my year. The feeling of euphoria was indescribable. Staying at 430 Euclid alone because everyone else had traveled somewhere. The Three-Stooges-Karoake-Birthday party. And the morning after. The best birthday in a long time. Thank you to Pushkar, Amith and Don for coming over on the 10th and keeping me company as my birthday dawned. It was just the best. Watching the sun rise. And the morning after. A trip up to Boston to see the little guys. Back to the city awaiting a reunion of sorts of the 6 roommates. Every time someone returned, a mini-celebration. Research work continued. Better progress. Supposedly. Pushkar's birthday. And the morning after. Seeing the Steelers beat the lousy Jets to reach the Superbowl.

January 2011 could have been my most favorite month since I landed in the USA. But there's more to come.

