Monday, January 3, 2011

The start of a new year.

It's 2011 ! 2010 has passed so quickly. I love it when that happens. It means the year was so eventful that it just went by. Was 2010 eventful for me ? Hell yes. So much happened. Made many new friends. Built so many relationships. Saw many places. Partied hard. Studied even harder. Grew up and started taking responsibilities.

I loved the year. It feels like I started at rock bottom and ended it on top of everything. Just writing that feels amazing. I am looking forward to 2011 with all it's glory. Heck, if the world's ending in 2012, let's all make 2011 worth it. Make the most of it.

Things I want to do this year:

These aren't resolutions. I feel labeling them as resolutions is just bad. Because everyone knows people hardly ever keep up resolutions. These are just things to be done. Whether I do it in January or December 31st doesn't really matter. They aren't in any particular order.

1. Read more books. I've started reading again since May. Read about anything and everything under the sun.

2. Keep my room clean. I might have my own place halfway through the year. Have got to start keeping stuff in their right places.

3. Reconnect with people I haven't spoken to or chatted with in a long time. Old friends stay with you forever.

4. Start working out. It's about time.

5. Eat healthy. Eat properly. No more caffeine diets.

6. End Grad School on a high. Nothing but the best will do.

7. Watch good movies. Not the dumb comedies that I've been watching lately.

8. Start being more responsible with money. After all, it doesn't grow on trees.

9. Stop spending so much time on my laptop. There are better things to be done.

10. Update The Blog more regularly.

That's good enough to start with. I hope I can keep up these things.

2011 is going to be amazing. I know it. It started out amazingly. It's going to be amazing.


  1. Hey Atulya... Gr8 2011 start... Good luck with all ur "resolutions"...Make the most of it... Cheers..

  2. I love it. You are thinking very positive and it will pay off even if you manage to execute half of what you intend to do.

    Murli Uncle

  3. I think your birthday is worth a mention in your blogs soon..

    I would love to see you complete your resolution numbers 4,5 and 6
