Sunday, March 27, 2011

This is just sad. I told myself in January that I am going to keep updating The Blog more frequently than I used too. That didn't seem to work at all. Has the reason been that I have had nothing to write about ? That I haven't had the time ? That I am just lazy ? ... It could be all three. Actually , not the first. A lot has happened since then. Small things that I probably decided wasn't important enough or maybe wasn't worth the Blog. Doesn't make much sense does it ?

Ideas, thoughts, happenings. Aren't or shouldn't these be enough to update this bi-weekly at least. Maybe I am losing the idea of the Blog. Maybe it shouldn't just have to be fairly serious, hard hitting stuff. The lighter side is also fun. It definitely is. Maybe I shouldn't be hard on myself for the content of the posts.

The easiest posts to write have been the recap of the year that has passed. Everything else took time and were things I just felt like sharing. Is it that nothing like that has happened ? Nope. I tweeted that the blog would be easier as Sports Blog. :D

Anyway , guess I'm here now. I am not going to make any promises this time. But will try to be more regular.

1 comment:

  1. I do check your blog once in a month to check for any updates
