Thursday, August 19, 2010

Year One - II

I actually have to go back to the previous post to see where I left off.

All this was overwhelming. Thinking back, it all seems like a dream. So much has happened that it's difficult to mention it all. Forgot to mention stuff too. Funny the way you forget somethings and when you do remember it, it gets stuck and you'll never forget that "thing" again.

Our first birthday celebration at home. The first time friends came over and we sat around drinking. Taking the Ya-Ya's out for dinner. For all they've done for me. It doesn't even come close to paying them back. Talking to dad over Skype. Talking to mom in Nebraska (Still feel bad I couldn't go see her). Going to go to Boston for Vihaan's First Birthday. The first time my friends and I went to Harry-O's and made Kanishka pay. Growing the goatee and mustache. Shaving off the goatee and mustache(Why!). Going ice skating. Spraining my ankle. Limping to pick up the dudes from Rochester. Having an insane party at home with them. Thanksgiving at Ashwin Anna's. Heading to Summit for the rest of the break. Back at NYC. Freaking out that the semester's ending and finals are up. Still playing the fool. Finding Studying in the library. My first final in the US.The first snow! A storm. Heading out from library to home playing in the snow. Making crazy stuff in the snow outside on the pavement. Putting up the posters. Finishing my last final of the first semester. The party at home. The pictures say it all.

One semester done. 5 months in the USA. It was all fun till then. Then reality HIT.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Year One.

(The name doesn't refer to the movie,but yes, took the name from there. Seemed apt.)

One year in the Big Apple. One year in one of the world's largest cities. One year in the most populated city in the United States. It's definitely been an interesting year. Learnt so much. About myself. About a lot of things. New York City has been such a change and I love this city.

A year ago, when I left home for the first time , it was an adventure to look forward too. My first trip abroad. The start of a new chapter. A Masters Degree. Taking away unimaginable memories from 21 and a half years in the same city. Where I grew up. Where I spent my childhood. Where I had my first kiss. Where I had my first break-up. The city where I learnt everything about life. Till I left. I was looking forward to this new beginning. Being away from home for the first time. Meeting new people. Living on my own. Having family around the city was definitely helpful. Helped my get my bearings and not being overwhelmed by the fact that I was in a new country. A new world.

I remember landing and my sheer excitement of being here. Where I've always wanted to be. Not NYC , but the US. Driving back to Daya Anna's house, looking outside like a 5 year old. Learning to cook for the first time. And actual food. Not the omelette like i did back home. It was incredible. And it only got better. I remember the first time I stepped out in the city. Yes, I was lost :) . I remember looking all the way up at the skyscrapers at 34th street. The feeling I got when I saw NYU Poly for the first time. Signing up for classes. Playing the basketball game at the Orientation. I was thrilled. Then Daya Anna left for my house(irony) and I was left to fend for myself for the first time in 21 years. Managed to survive without bringing the house down. Found my first apartment. Met my roommates. This was my new world.

Then finally, September 8th. The day after labor day. Moved into my apartment. My room. The freedom was insane :D. Then classes started. Work started. Research work. When I tell friends back home, they laugh. What is research work in India. Made so many more friends. Hung out with my roommates. Went to Times Square. TGIF. Brooklyn Park. It was a dream. Living on my own.

Going to continue this later.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Things I have missed this past year.

1. Mom's cooking.
2. Mom's chocolate cake.
3. Nagamma's dosas in the morning.
4. R.K. Pan House.
5. Meeting up for footy with the brood.
6. Meeting Mickey at Pandey
7. Meeting Vipul all over.
8. Lemon Tea at Taj.
9. Basketball every Sunday at School.
10. Roaming around Annanagar with Daga.
11. Sitting on Sharan's terrace.
12. Playing KPL at Raju's house with the boys.
13. Doing nothing at Abhinay's house.
14. Ashok Pan House.
15. Free messaging.
16. TV.
17. Beating Daga at Fooseball.
18. Juice at Niagara with the football gang.
19. Riding my Bike.
20. PS3 at Tarun's place.
21. Trips to College.
22. Bhai Shop with Adi , Vinoth, Vipul, Anuj, Dope.
23. The Beach.
24. Talking to Dad about office.
25. Going to Quality with Abhinay.
26. The frequent Paramount visits.
27. Meeting up with the cousins, whenever and wherever.
28. Meeting Vinoth and Goofy at Hyderabad Biryani.
29. Laughing about the excuses of Vignesh with Sharan , Raju and Abhinay.
30. The "Study" sessions at Raju's house with God and Bubu.
31. Taking photocopies of Raju's notes every semester.
32. The extremely tiring and difficult task of going shopping with Vipul.
33. The extremely tiring and difficult task of going shopping with Daga.
34. Sharan asking Abhinay to take him to Birla Planetorium.
35. Meeting up with Shrawan after each and every semester exam at Bhai shop, ve used to be the first ones who finished the paper.
36. Me and Vipul screaming NOW! NOW! in the college bus.
37. Going to the gym with Emperor, King and Queen.
38. Going jogging with Raju and Pramodh.
39. Going to Nawabs with Daga almost daily.
40. Driving around with Abhinay in Frodo ( R.I.P )
42. Terrace Visits at Abhinay's house and Mickey's house.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is there depression in the air ? Lately , I've noticed a few statuses on networking sites that convey this. Somehow, a lot of people seem depressed or actually are. Is it something communicable ? I believe so. If someone around you is depressed and shows it, it'll spread. What you have to do is help that person through that time. And by depression I don't mean like really depressed. Just sadness that your life should be better than it is now.

In college, I remember Abhinay , Sarang and I had this stupid thing called "going-into-depression". At the time , we were the only ones who seemed to be doing it. And it used to be a funny thing. Telling each other we had dropped into "triple-D" and "penta-D". (I still think D-5 is a better name Were we just carefree and nothing really bothered us. Being at home, around people who we were always with for 3 years. Having the time of our lives. Nothing seemed like it could bring our spirits down. The "depression" was something we joked about. Sitting around doing nothing was classified as being in Depression.

I think as we grow older, we mature (duh, obviously). Life isn't supposed to be easy. An easy life is the equivalent of a dull boring movie. Tough times make us tougher individuals. We need to go through hardships to grow. To become who we are meant to be. Getting everything in life to go the way you want it to go just doesn't work. I mean , it'll be great if everything goes according to your plan. The world revolves around you. You want a change in the system, the change happens. No work, no stress. We need to be challenged. Challenges can bring you down. Hard. No doubt about it. Make you lose faith in yourself and everything around. True. And getting back hard is tougher still. But it is possible. To get up stronger. To overcome anything in our way.

This is how we grow. This is how we learn. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?