Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Is there depression in the air ? Lately , I've noticed a few statuses on networking sites that convey this. Somehow, a lot of people seem depressed or actually are. Is it something communicable ? I believe so. If someone around you is depressed and shows it, it'll spread. What you have to do is help that person through that time. And by depression I don't mean like really depressed. Just sadness that your life should be better than it is now.

In college, I remember Abhinay , Sarang and I had this stupid thing called "going-into-depression". At the time , we were the only ones who seemed to be doing it. And it used to be a funny thing. Telling each other we had dropped into "triple-D" and "penta-D". (I still think D-5 is a better name Were we just carefree and nothing really bothered us. Being at home, around people who we were always with for 3 years. Having the time of our lives. Nothing seemed like it could bring our spirits down. The "depression" was something we joked about. Sitting around doing nothing was classified as being in Depression.

I think as we grow older, we mature (duh, obviously). Life isn't supposed to be easy. An easy life is the equivalent of a dull boring movie. Tough times make us tougher individuals. We need to go through hardships to grow. To become who we are meant to be. Getting everything in life to go the way you want it to go just doesn't work. I mean , it'll be great if everything goes according to your plan. The world revolves around you. You want a change in the system, the change happens. No work, no stress. We need to be challenged. Challenges can bring you down. Hard. No doubt about it. Make you lose faith in yourself and everything around. True. And getting back hard is tougher still. But it is possible. To get up stronger. To overcome anything in our way.

This is how we grow. This is how we learn. There's nothing wrong with that, is there?


  1. oh my god,,,,
    i don't think that can be explained better,,,,
    think i am going to stop doing anything in life and jus keep reading ur blogs,,,
    no on the sole purpose of my living will be to read ur blogs...
    n penta-D s logical..u cant go to d-5 from triple-d can u??


  2. Dope , that's the best compliment ever. !!!!
