Monday, September 27, 2010

What do You Watch ?

Everyone watches stuff. And by stuff i mean, TV shows , movies , documentaries , miniseries(s?). I watch a lot. Of everything. And how do I decide what to watch, what is good ? Good Ol' .

Yes, IMDB ratings are pretty good. Accurate. I mean, The Shawshank Redemption has a 9.1 and Superbabies: Baby Geniuses 2 has a 1.4. Yes , i have actually seen Superbabies 2. Gives you an idea on how many movies I watch. Sometimes though you just have to watch the movie first and then decide whether you like it on not. I mean, IMDB ratings are by people just like us. You and me had an effect on how the rating comes out.

Even if it was a movie I really wanted to watch, IMDB came first. And what defines a "good" movie. A rating of 6.0 and over. Or is it 7.5 and over. Personally, my cut off was a 7.0. How many movies are you missing just because it has a ratings of 5.6. Does everyone else know our taste better than ourselves. No, in every way, they don't.

For the past few weeks, I've been watching movies without checking IMDB. It was tough at first but then it became a lot easier. I saw movies that I would never have even thought of watching only because of IMDB. I opened up a whole new experience of movies.

Sometimes though , the movie I watch might actually end up being brilliant and have a 7.2 on IMDB. Others haven't been as lucky. I wouldn't have watched quite a few movies that had me engrossed for those 90-130 minutes.

Nothing or noone is as good a judge of anything as we are. Not IMDB. Not any critic. Not anyone. If you think it'll be a good watch, watch it. Judge for yourself. There's nothing as good as that.

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