Friday, July 30, 2010

Feels Like An Alien ?

Today , my friend from College Sarang S Nair put up a status on Facebook " Sarang feels like an alien". It got me thinking. There have been times where I've thought I was an alien myself. Is it a good thing ? A bad thing ? Or something so absolutely cool that it should have been through ?

I think I went through this period (fairly short) when I thought I didn't belong anywhere. This was when the "Me being an Alien" idea came about. At this time I thought that I was from some faraway planet. That I was all alone and will always be alone. That was depressing. The fun part started like 5 minutes later when I thought I was probably like Kal-el (Superman). That I was meant for a greater cause. Sounds exciting.

Does everyone go through these "times of trouble" where you think you don't belong. Your a lost soul in a funny world. Is it a good thing ? To go into the deep, dark details of why you exist ? I think it's something everyone should go through. Not cause they need to know where they come from but just so that they realize they are here for a reason. I believe that each and every soul on the planet is here for a reason. And to realize that, really realize it ... this has to happen. maybe not for everyone. Maybe not for anyone too. I felt I needed that. It might have lasted only for an hour or two, but it helped. Like a right of passage. Something that had to happen for me to grow. As a person , as an individual.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Time Machine

Been a while. Been occupied otherwise. One thing that has always , well , I can't say troubled but ... let me put it this way - One thing that I've always pondered about is whether if we had time machines , will you go back in time to change certain events or will you travel to the future to see how you've turned out. Good or Bad. A success or a failure. A Millionaire or pauper. I know everyone has thought about this at sometime in their lives. I'm sure of it.

How will I turn out ? Though what I'd really like to know if I do travel to the future is whether I am on the right path. Whether what I am doing right now is , well, right. Rather than see the riches I've earned or the millions I've lost , I would want to know whether I end up happy. Cos at the end of it all, isn't it what we all crave. Happiness. Being Happy. Dying a happy man. Though a trip to the future could also spell doom. If , and I really mean IF, you turn out to be a lost soul, alone , will you be able to handle it and accept that you've strayed from what could have been an awesome life and go back and change or will the disappointment be too hard to handle and you just lose your mind. I don't know how I'll take it. Guess it all depends on how the future is. Hopefully, Skynet won't take over. :)

Do we really want to know the future? Won't it be more exciting and scary to discover it ourselves. I might just want to wait and see how things go. Live my life now rather than see what's in store for me later. My views.

Now coming to past events. I feel each and every one of us has a moment in life where we would like to go back and change what occurred. I know I would like to change certain moments. For sure. To help me. Maybe a decision that hurt people or hurt me. But isn't it those events that help us grow. Help us learn. Help us come back stronger. I know I have learnt from many of such events. I hope everyone else has too.

Why is it that there's always a Plus side and a Minus side to everything. But that's just life isn't it. You always come to a fork in the road and decide which one to take. Each has it's own pros and cons. Life is all about making the right choice. Or working through the wrong one to make it right. Never give up. Keep with it and there will a reward at the end.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

When everything fits !

Doesn't it feel so good when everything is alright ? Does it make you want to jump with joy ! When all is good again doesn't everything seem bright and pretty ! but where does the thanks go.

When anything and everything or probably even the smallest thing goes wrong, we always have someone or something to blame. You know that's true so don't try to deny it. But when somehow everything works out, where does the thanks go. Even if it was you who solved the problem, there had to be someone who also helped, in whatever way possible. Do you thank them?

It's very easy to blame someone about something. It's easy to complain. The difficult part is remembering to thank people. I know I have failed in this aspect umpteen number of times.

Coming back to the feeling you get when everything just fits. In life, at work, in school. It's an unbelievable feeling. When all that could go wrong, almost did. And in time everything works out. For the good. Better. You cherish those moments. Hope they continue. Because that is what life is about. Getting everything to work out. To fit. And right now, I know this feeling. I have this feeling.

And it's great.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sooner than Expected

Didn't think I'd be posting so soon. Guess boredom got the better of me.

Why is life so complicated. There are a million decisions to be made before one and sit back and smile. What to do. When to do. Why to do. How to do. It sounds like all the question words were created just for this. Can anyone get through life without making any decisions. It might have been done. As, like we have all heard before, nothing is impossible.

Okay. So we make decisions. Good or bad, they are going to affect us and the people around us. How does one define a decision to be good or bad. What one might think is/was a bad decision could actually be something he/she was meant to do. Born to do. Which brings me to another point. Destiny.

Does everyone on this earth have a pre-written destiny. Are we all puppets in some grand plan that's already written for us? Don't we make choices for ourselves. This is actually something I've always thought about. Do we control our lives or does everything happen according to a script created for us ages before we existed. The easy way to look at it is that everything that happens is destiny. Bad things happen cause they are meant to. It's written in the cards. The cheap way to look at it is that if something good happens, it's all you and if something goes wrong, blame destiny.

People say that everything that happens, happens for a reason. All bad things lead to something good. But for how long can you keep repeating that in your head. Till your an adult. 30. 50. Or till the day you breathe your last and regret leaving everything to destiny.

Something to think about.

Monday, July 12, 2010


My first post. A way to express the inner thinkings of my mind. I never thought it would be so hard to put thoughts to paper, or a text editor. I guess we never realize how difficult that is.

This might be a blog just to vent my frustrations about the world and the minor/major events happening around me. It could also be a diary which, when I look back on 1-2 years or even 5-10 years on, see how much I've grown. I know there are people out there with worse problems and in worse situations than me. I know this might come off as being a little selfish. But I don't care. I need to get it out. And you might ask why I can't write a diary like in the old days. Well, I hope that I can get some valuable comments and advise about what I write.

My posts might not be too regular. This might be just a summer thing. Yet, I know that this can and will help me out. That this might just be the way I can stop thinking about stuff and move on.

"A Reflection" is what came to mind when I started to create this. It just means I am going to reflect on what I've seen, been through and thought about.

I know the name of the blog is deep. "It is who we are that defines us". Well, I think all my posts are going to be about the way I see the world and the way the world sees things.

It's a tough world out there and nothing comes easy. We strive to be the best we can.

