Friday, July 30, 2010

Feels Like An Alien ?

Today , my friend from College Sarang S Nair put up a status on Facebook " Sarang feels like an alien". It got me thinking. There have been times where I've thought I was an alien myself. Is it a good thing ? A bad thing ? Or something so absolutely cool that it should have been through ?

I think I went through this period (fairly short) when I thought I didn't belong anywhere. This was when the "Me being an Alien" idea came about. At this time I thought that I was from some faraway planet. That I was all alone and will always be alone. That was depressing. The fun part started like 5 minutes later when I thought I was probably like Kal-el (Superman). That I was meant for a greater cause. Sounds exciting.

Does everyone go through these "times of trouble" where you think you don't belong. Your a lost soul in a funny world. Is it a good thing ? To go into the deep, dark details of why you exist ? I think it's something everyone should go through. Not cause they need to know where they come from but just so that they realize they are here for a reason. I believe that each and every soul on the planet is here for a reason. And to realize that, really realize it ... this has to happen. maybe not for everyone. Maybe not for anyone too. I felt I needed that. It might have lasted only for an hour or two, but it helped. Like a right of passage. Something that had to happen for me to grow. As a person , as an individual.

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