Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Time Machine

Been a while. Been occupied otherwise. One thing that has always , well , I can't say troubled but ... let me put it this way - One thing that I've always pondered about is whether if we had time machines , will you go back in time to change certain events or will you travel to the future to see how you've turned out. Good or Bad. A success or a failure. A Millionaire or pauper. I know everyone has thought about this at sometime in their lives. I'm sure of it.

How will I turn out ? Though what I'd really like to know if I do travel to the future is whether I am on the right path. Whether what I am doing right now is , well, right. Rather than see the riches I've earned or the millions I've lost , I would want to know whether I end up happy. Cos at the end of it all, isn't it what we all crave. Happiness. Being Happy. Dying a happy man. Though a trip to the future could also spell doom. If , and I really mean IF, you turn out to be a lost soul, alone , will you be able to handle it and accept that you've strayed from what could have been an awesome life and go back and change or will the disappointment be too hard to handle and you just lose your mind. I don't know how I'll take it. Guess it all depends on how the future is. Hopefully, Skynet won't take over. :)

Do we really want to know the future? Won't it be more exciting and scary to discover it ourselves. I might just want to wait and see how things go. Live my life now rather than see what's in store for me later. My views.

Now coming to past events. I feel each and every one of us has a moment in life where we would like to go back and change what occurred. I know I would like to change certain moments. For sure. To help me. Maybe a decision that hurt people or hurt me. But isn't it those events that help us grow. Help us learn. Help us come back stronger. I know I have learnt from many of such events. I hope everyone else has too.

Why is it that there's always a Plus side and a Minus side to everything. But that's just life isn't it. You always come to a fork in the road and decide which one to take. Each has it's own pros and cons. Life is all about making the right choice. Or working through the wrong one to make it right. Never give up. Keep with it and there will a reward at the end.

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