Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sooner than Expected

Didn't think I'd be posting so soon. Guess boredom got the better of me.

Why is life so complicated. There are a million decisions to be made before one and sit back and smile. What to do. When to do. Why to do. How to do. It sounds like all the question words were created just for this. Can anyone get through life without making any decisions. It might have been done. As, like we have all heard before, nothing is impossible.

Okay. So we make decisions. Good or bad, they are going to affect us and the people around us. How does one define a decision to be good or bad. What one might think is/was a bad decision could actually be something he/she was meant to do. Born to do. Which brings me to another point. Destiny.

Does everyone on this earth have a pre-written destiny. Are we all puppets in some grand plan that's already written for us? Don't we make choices for ourselves. This is actually something I've always thought about. Do we control our lives or does everything happen according to a script created for us ages before we existed. The easy way to look at it is that everything that happens is destiny. Bad things happen cause they are meant to. It's written in the cards. The cheap way to look at it is that if something good happens, it's all you and if something goes wrong, blame destiny.

People say that everything that happens, happens for a reason. All bad things lead to something good. But for how long can you keep repeating that in your head. Till your an adult. 30. 50. Or till the day you breathe your last and regret leaving everything to destiny.

Something to think about.


  1. I love the post...honestly cause i am a strong believer of Destiny.

    But yes, blaming everything on destiny is not the solution, you try..and mind you, try your best to get what you want in Life or rather from Life...if you succeed, Well and Good, if you dont...Atleast you tried!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Great post dude ..... Great work :)

    We, sometimes tend to meet destiny along the path we chose to avoid the same.We don't have control over what life has in store for us, for they are done even before we realize it. This is what I feel ... Its better to take life the way it comes :)
